Challenge Accepted: #Womensupportingwomen

Being raised by a single immigrant mother, my abuelita, and several generations of strong women through kinship and mentorship- I am a living witness to the incredible grace, boundless love, creativity, and beyond extraordinary force of true wisdom, intuition, and life that is the woman. The woman is sacred and should continue to be regarded and respected as such- for without my elders, mothers, sisters, and divine feminine tribe uplifting and continuing to inspire and help heal me on this journey... I would not be all that I dreamed I could be today, I would not exist. Thank you for life, thank you for the strength to keep going, and thank you for shaping me and showing me the way, so I may be a light and teacher of it too- I love you. Special thanks to my loving angels @sadisoularts & for bringing this challenge to my attention and selecting me. May we all continue using our voices to end all violence against women. 🌑✨ .

 #womensupportingwomen #powertothematriarchs #saynotoviolenceagainstwomen #advocate #prouddomesticviolencecounselor #mayallbeingsbehappyandfree