Final Set: “Lunar Moth Alchemy: Wisdom + Tooth + Bone” Parts I-IV✨ ~ “Art imitates life, life imitates art... but Mother Nature is the best artist and teacher of them all.” ~ Parts I-IV of “Lunar Moth Alchemy” (2020) paired with my “Giant Swallowtail” capture from (2019) as a retrospective piece to unite past and present - purposefully juxtaposing creatures of both sun and moon, as I and many more await a different future with a prayerful heart out for the best. 💫It’s marvelous to see how some signs and visuals of life move in circles to send healing messages of hope to its observers in times of need, if they look deeply enough. Nature (in addition to being a form of medicine) is a language indeed, and I am grateful to see its reflection and messages alive and well as an observer and listener. May we never forget that we are all connected in this grand matrix-every life form, every story, every action, every feeling, every color of the medicine wheel, every creature down to the moth and the butterfly...both energies and forms, equally precious and present to keep true balance and harmony (many parts to make a whole). May this serve as a reminder to either help or harm none - to listen to nature and nurture intuition, in order to heal the present & continue restoring balance. May all beings be happy and free. ✨
Media: X-Ray photography, digital photography, & mixed media on paper.
Artist x Model: Ebony T. Perry © 2019-2020 @ ebonytperry | Ritual of Resilience Series.
About: A personal reflection on transforming tremendous pains into beauty and earned wisdom during these hallowed seasons; which have been filled to the brim with constant and unexpected changes. A visual reminder to be patient with the shifts, the emotions, the losses, and gains as they rise and fall...come and go. And most importantly, to always listen to and nurture one’s maturing intuition... to rest and recover as needed, remaining rooted and ready for the times that call for the most profound listening and healing- the here and the now. 🌙✨Monday November 2, 2020
#artmagic #manypartstothewhole #messages #mothernature#symbols #transformation #alchemy #creaturesofsunandmoon #sacredseasons #diadelosmuertos #fetegede #allsoulsday #awareness #bipocartists #asabovesobelowaswithinsowithout #xrayphotography #ebonytperryart #lunarmothandbutterfly #wisdomteeth 🦷 #ArtRxYogaRx #InterdisciplinaryartistMultimediaartist #heal #grow #Arttherapy #elemental #ritualofresilienceseries #artandwellness #createharmony #healthepresentforabetterfuture #mayallbeingsbehappyandfree